Dr. Luis F Garcia

Dr. Luis F Garcia holds a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine, is board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and is licensed in Utah as an Acupuncturist. Bringing 22 years of clinical experience to her practice, Melissa helps people overcome health concerns including neck pain, low back pain, sports injuries, depression/anxiety/stress, digestive problems, fertility, and immune disorders.

Garcia is originally from Oahu, Hawai’i and San Luis Obispo, California. She made Park City her home in 2007 when she moved with her husband to start their family and found Longevity Acupuncture Clinic.


“After 10 years of illness, I was referred to Dr. Garcia by my medical doctor who, like dozens before him, couldn’t relieve my symptoms. Suffering from severe gastrointestinal issues, parasites, fungal infections, viruses, lyme disease and co-infections, adrenal fatigue, PVCs, profound fatigue, hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, muscle and joint pain-the list is too long for this page-I thought there would be no end. After the first biomagnetism therapy, my body started to feel calm instead of in a state of panic, and less like it was being eaten from the inside out from all the infections that I had raging inside of me. Aches and pains improved, vision and skin integrity, and diarrhea better controlled, along with some unexpected improvements such as a fungal rash disappearing within 3 days after having it for over 10 years, and bleeding and cracked lips healed.”

Sara B. – Pennsylvania

Lyme disease, Adrenal fatigue

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“After 10 years of illness, I was referred to Dr. Garcia by my medical doctor who, like dozens before him, couldn’t relieve my symptoms. Suffering from severe gastrointestinal issues, parasites, fungal infections, viruses, lyme disease and co-infections, adrenal fatigue, PVCs, profound fatigue, hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, muscle and joint pain-the list is too long for this page-I thought there would be no end. After the first biomagnetism therapy, my body started to feel calm instead of in a state of panic, and less like it was being eaten from the inside out from all the infections that I had raging inside of me. Aches and pains improved, vision and skin integrity, and diarrhea better controlled, along with some unexpected improvements such as a fungal rash disappearing within 3 days after having it for over 10 years, and bleeding and cracked lips healed.”

Sara B. – Pennsylvania

Lyme disease, Adrenal fatigue

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“After 10 years of illness, I was referred to Dr. Garcia by my medical doctor who, like dozens before him, couldn’t relieve my symptoms. Suffering from severe gastrointestinal issues, parasites, fungal infections, viruses, lyme disease and co-infections, adrenal fatigue, PVCs, profound fatigue, hypothyroidism, ovarian cysts, muscle and joint pain-the list is too long for this page-I thought there would be no end. After the first biomagnetism therapy, my body started to feel calm instead of in a state of panic, and less like it was being eaten from the inside out from all the infections that I had raging inside of me. Aches and pains improved, vision and skin integrity, and diarrhea better controlled, along with some unexpected improvements such as a fungal rash disappearing within 3 days after having it for over 10 years, and bleeding and cracked lips healed.”

Sara B. – Pennsylvania

Lyme disease, Adrenal fatigue

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In - Person Seminar

In-Person Seminar Dr. Garcia

Hands - On Seminar

Hands-On Seminar Dr. Garcia

Only Certified Biomagnetism Practitioners who are authorized to do as such can practice Biomagnetism. These practitioners are only allowed to provide nutritional and herbal therapy, traditional ministerial counseling, biofeedback, bioenergetic that target to offer therapeutic advantages via supporting normal function and structure.

Our Upcoming Biomagnetism Seminar

Biomagnetism is a progressive area of science that endeavors to accomplish bio-fiery equilibrium in the human body. Not at all like any remaining customary or elective methodologies, it means to carry the human body to its regular condition of wellbeing, i.e homeostasis. Intending to support the regulation of pH, Biomagnetism involves the use of high field strength magnets on the affected region of the body. Advantages of Biomagnetism involve increased blood circulation, immune system boost, regulating inflammation in the body, and much more. The investigation of Biomagnetism trusts that by keeping up with the right pH in the body we can kill any ailment created in the body.

Online Seminar

Join our friendly, practical and affordable ONLINE applied biomagnetic training biomagnetism programmes now. Our aim is to ensure that you are competent in Applied Biomagnetic Therapy/Biomagnetism and will have the knowledge, the skills, the enthusiasm, and the practical ability to set up your own clinic/work immediately in Applied Biomagnetic Therapy. We offer both ONLINE biomagnetism training and practical face to face biomagnetism training.

Join our growing family of Applied Biomagnetic Therapists who have studied the Institute’s biomagnetism training

Biomagnetism Practitioner Guide

Biomagnetism Practitioner Guide Book

The Complete Guide for Biomagnetism Practitioner provides insights on the placement of magnets and on symptoms for hundreds of health conditions.
Available books

Our Products

Bio Magnetic therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy in to heat energy. According to many of our clients, our range of magnetic therapy supports have relieved several bodily ailments and have helped them get back to what they love doing. We aim to alleviate your pain using a natural therapy alternative.

We are confident in our products, as they are made using only the highest quality materials and magnets, with each magnet holding a 1000+ gauss rating. Our pricing is also often lower than our competitors’ products that do not use magnets in their supports.

Beyond Biomag 3D App

Beyond Biomag 3D App - The best way to detect and identify anatomical scan points

Beyond Biomag 3D App is a reference guide for clients and practitioners to locate the anatomical Biomagnetism pairs using 3D Male and Female models. The intuitive user will be able to interface along with an appropriate combination of efficiency and responsiveness that enables seamless access to all the functionalities than ever. The App helps to capture Biomagnetism details along with images for easy reference and better therapeutic approach to ‘wellness of the clients. The user can easily search the Dictionary and will be able to tap on the identified anatomical points which will help to place the magnets on the tapped points for the req e duration is helps in act homeostasis in the body